As many of you are probably aware, the Georgia Department of Natural Resources confirmed the first case of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in the state on January 23. This positive case from Lanier County set in motion DNR’s plan of action to slow the progression of the disease. The plan follows models from other states like Illinois that have been successful in aggressively combatting and slowing the prevalence of CWD. Since Georgia is the 36th state to face CWD within its boundaries, we have examples where some states have been more successful than others in combating the prevalence of the disease, and Illinois is certainly one of those states. Georgia’s recently implemented strategy generally follows the Illinois model with a couple of exceptions. One of the key components that have proven successful in other states is the banning of baiting and feeding deer within the disease management zones, or in the Illinois example, across the entire state.
“The Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) is reminding Illinois residents and visitors of the state’s ban on the feeding of wild deer and other wildlife in areas where wild deer are present. The ban was enacted in 2002 as part of the state’s continuing effort to limit the spread of chronic wasting disease (CWD) in the Illinois wild deer herd.” Illinois Department of Natural Resources, August 2021
Georgia DNR is clearly stating they are following the Illinois model, though Georgia does not intend to ban baiting and feeding deer within the state. This is also at odds with the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies recommended CWD management practices that call for prohibiting “feeding and baiting of wild cervids”, though they do allow alternative practices which include restrictions on amounts of bait or feed as well as restrictions on baiting and feeding on a temporal and/or spacial basis.
Keeping CWD at bay in Georgia will take diligent efforts from our wildlife professionals and the hunting public. The Georgia DNR has scheduled public information sessions this week to help us all understand how we can help, and what is being done in Georgia. We hope you will attend one of these sessions and encourage DNR to be very aggressive in combatting CWD in Georgia and follow successes from other states which includes banning baiting and feeding in disease management zones.
Georgia DNR Information Sessions:
- Feb. 4 at 7 p.m.: Cook County Extension Service Office (206 East 9th Street, Adel, GA 31620)
- Feb. 6 at 7 p.m.: Virtual (WRD Facebook Page)
- Feb. 8 at 10 a.m.: Lanier County High School Auditorium (52 West Patten Ave., Lakeland, GA 31635)
- Feb. 8 at 2 p.m.: Lowndes County Historic Courthouse (100 East Central Ave., Valdosta, GA 31601)
For more information CWD is Georgia, visit the GA DNR website.
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