Newly hired private lands biologist, JT Pynne, aiding with a prescribed fire to maintain longleaf pine understory on private property in Southwest Georgia.
Contact: Dr. JT Pynne, Georgia Wildlife Federation, jtpynne@gwf.org
GWF recently hired a new Private Lands Biologist who is available to provide free land management assistance to landowners in Georgia. Given the importance of active management in developing and maintaining quality wildlife habitat on forested property, Dr. JT Pynne provides one-on-one site visits, works remotely using satellite imagery and mapping apps, and offers general consulting to Georgia landowners.
JT will assess land condition in accordance with landowner objectives and develop a management plan to help the landowner achieve those goals. The focus of GWF’s Private Lands Program is to promote and restore biodiverse habitats that support a variety of wildlife including both game and non-game species, and to help landowners optimize their forestry plans for wildlife. Focal aspects of the projects include:
- Establishment of new forest stands (emphasizing longleaf and shortleaf pines).
- Prescribed fire planning.
- Identification of plants valuable for wildlife and approaches for promotion.
- Identification of invasive plants and methods for control.
- General silvicultural suggestions for stand enhancement that benefit wildlife.
- Plans and prescriptions for game or nongame wildlife habitat enhancement.

Newly hired private lands biologist, JT Pynne, conducting a site visit in an area overrun with kudzu and offering management advice.
GWF is additionally looking to aid landowners in historically underserved communities.
JT is focusing on a number of key counties because of the importance of prescribed fire to the habitat in these areas (see www.gwf.org/privatelands for the county list).
Know your land, understand the wildlife. For more information on enhancing wildlife habitat on your property, visit the private lands page or contact JT Pynne at jtpynne@gwf.org.
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