By: Carson Love

Put down your phone, take in the sun’s warmth, listen to the birds singing, and feel the wind wisping across your face – just live in the moment. Taking a step back from the fast-paced hustle of the world,  “living in the moment” is a common mantra going around these days, and for a good reason. But living in the moment can be practiced in many different ways, and for me, that is through my camera lens.

The Academics Afield dove hunt took place on September 16th, and you could see me making laps around the dove field, checking on participants and their mentors, and taking pictures. The weather was perfect, the birds were flying and everyone was having a great time. From a distance, I zoomed in on one of my new hunters and captured her joy as she harvested her first dove. To my left, another group laughing about some hunting story that was a struggle but worked out in the end. Across the field was a father and son enjoying their first hunt together, talking strategy and technique. All of this was seen through my lens.

Photography is an art, and the beauty of it is that everyone can do it. A picture catches more than just a moment in time, it captures an experience, a feeling, a memory. When I bring my camera, I pay attention to more detail. My eye catches every movement and every facial expression. I share not just my moment in time, but also my subject’s moment and I share that with them. That photo can be shared with friends and family not present at the time to share that experience.

I love capturing moments in their truest form. Every person is worthy of having their picture taken. All wildlife is worthy of having its picture taken. The subject comes second to the moment in life that we are living.

The Georgia R3 Initiative is a cooperative effort between  Georgia Wildlife FederationGeorgia Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Resources DivisionNational Wild Turkey Federation, the Georgia Chapter of Safari Club International, and Ducks Unlimited.

Academics Afield is supported by a grant (#F22AP00937) from the Sport Fish and Wildlife Restoration Programs of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.


Academics Afield: 

Georgia R3 Initiative:
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About Georgia Wildlife Federation
Georgia Wildlife Federation was founded as a sportsman’s organization in 1936 and is Georgia’s oldest conservation organization. Today, members include hunters, anglers, bird watchers, hikers, educators, and all Georgians who are interested in preserving our natural resources and outdoor heritage.

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