Private Lands Stewardship Program


Private Lands Stewardship Program

Longleaf Pine

Our program for restoring wildlife habitat and longleaf pine on Private Lands in Georgia is supported by a grant from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s Longleaf Stewardship Fund in partnership with Southern Company, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, and USDA Forest Service.

Private Lands Wildlife Habitat Technical Assistance

Georgia Wildlife Federation’s wildlife biologists led by Dr. JT Pynne are available for AT-NO-COST forestry and wildlife habitat management assistance to Georgia landowners. Our team will perform One-on-One property visits with landowners to assess conditions and objectives, natural history and then provide management recommendations for:

  • Establishment of new forest stands
  • Prescribed fire planning
  • Identification of plant species valuable for wildlife and methods for promotion
  • Identification of problematic invasive species and methods for control
  • General silvicultural suggestions for stand enhancement that will enhance wildlife habitat quality

Additionally, given the range-wide ecological importance of longleaf pine restoration, this program emphasizes establishing, managing, and maintaining longleaf pine where applicable. This effort expresses the importance of wildlife habitat that occurs within longleaf pine systems

For more information on enhancing wildlife habitat on your property or establishing and managing longleaf pine, contact To schedule a property visit, please complete the survey at the bottom of the page. For a Remote Wildlife Habitat Consultation, click the Remote Consultation button below and fill out the surveys so our biologists can write a plan using the information you provide and GIS.

Know your land and understand the wildlife. See what the GWF Private Lands Program can do for you below.

Please fill out the form below for more information or to register for a property visit.

Secret Life of S’mammals

A conversation between two small mammal researchers: Dr. JT Pynne (Georgia Wildlife Federation) and Ivy Yen (PhD Student at the University of Maine).   Most plants grow from seeds, but how do those seeds get there? Seed dispersal is the method by which plants spread...

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Stinky Handstands and Other Eastern Spotted Skunk Facts

By Emma Alligood and Dr. JT Pynne The eastern spotted skunk, Spilogale putorious, is a once prevalent species throughout the eastern US and Midwest. Now, the species population is down more than 90% due to habitat loss, fragmentation, and land use change. Sightings...

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Prescribed Fire Benefits Bees

By: Dr. JT Pynne What do you think of when someone says pollinators? It may conjure up images of butterflies floating around a bush full of flowers, or honey bees buzzing away from a hive. These examples are great, but many different taxa are pollinators, including...

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